

3.00$ per minuut
  • Rating
  • Leeftijd 25
  • Geslacht Vrouw
  • Locatie Matamoros, Mexico
  • Seksuele voorkeur Heteroseksueel
  • Spreekt English, Spanish
  • Ogen Blauw
  • Haar Roodharig
  • Lichaamsbouw Slank
  • Cupmaat Gemiddeld: C-D


Unconditional love, communication, & understanding guides my way through this life. I believe that everyone has something to offer; every conversation & interaction is meaningful in some way. I sincerely love hanging out and getting to know someone and then having a wonderfully naughty time together ;). Thoughtful, loving, enlightening conversations & experiences mean the most to me, so I strive to be the most honest, empathetic being I can be to every person I meet. I take everyday as it comes & revel in that shit. Every sunrise and sunset is a fuckin blessing :)

Some stuff about me:

What I Like To Do For Fun:

I enjoy making all kinds of art, photography, traveling, sitting around & talking, reading, tattooing, and laying around naked online ;)

Favorite Movies:

Natural Born Killers, Waking Life, Wristcutters: A Love Story

If I Could Be Anywhere Right Now:

I'd be on the beach or curled up in my yard with a good book.


I enjoy graphic design, discussing theology & philosophy, meeting new people, tattooing, yoga, building firearms, & fuckin' around online :p


I am great at gunsmithing, communicating, yoga, stripping/fucking, & tattooing and piercing.

Perfect Mate:

My ideal partner is someone who is strong-willed, virtually fearless, intelligent, thoughtful, open-minded, & respectful.

Perfect Date:

My perfect date would include lying nude on the beach with a hand rolled cigarette, a fatass blunt, and some good music.

Turn Ons/Offs:

Turn ons: smoking, respect, honesty, eloquence, pretty & skilled hands (lol)

Turn offs: Belligerence, rudeness, ignorance, close-mindedness

Best Reason to Get to Know Me:

I'm well-spoken, open-minded, & sexy :p

I looking forward to getting acquainted! :D

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$3.00 per minuut

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